Bee Well garden table with an insect bath feature
  • Bee Well garden table with an insect bath feature

  • Slate on galvanized steel.
  • 55 cm diameter x 59 cm high
  • framed
  • Sold
  • A playful table top trebles up for humans, insects and birds. The slate in the central feature is removable to reveal a shallow sump for small birds or, left in situ, a safe landing for bees and other flying creatures to drink from. Will be on show at the Yewtree Gallery gardens during
    'Turn up the Heat' curated by Miranda Leonard of the Restless Gallery.
    4th June - 6th July.
    Open 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday (closed Sunday and Monday)

    Yew Tree Gallery, Keigwin Farmhouse near Morvah

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